Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why can't we all just get along?

Is there anything more morally complicated than armed conflict? Both sides believe in their cause. Both mourn the sacrifices their young men and women make in their effort to defeat the other side. Both may even believe that "God is on their side" and will help vanquish the other.

The people I've met who devote their lives to military service are motivated by noble principles. The live their lives in the service of noble ideals -- honor, duty, country. Those in command are keenly aware of their responsibility to those who serve under them. Everyone works to achieve something they can only accomplish together. In the case of the armed forces, it is putting into effect the foreign policy goals of the country they serve. Whether the policy is misguided or not they will, acting honorably, still put it into effect.

It is a horrible thing to be on the receiving end of military power and, as individuals, we wouldn't wish that on anyone. But as citizens of a country engaging in the use of military force we are powerless to prevent or promote that use of force except in the indirect way of the ballot box. Once events are set in motion by our representatives, they seem to take on a life of their own. Heaven help those who get in the way.

It perhaps seems simplistic to suggest that aggression will only stop when we disarm our reactions, defuse our own anger, and create a society that values tolerance more than its own righteousness. But it has been done before. India is an independent nation because of its people's nonviolent non-cooperation with its British rulers. Eventually the British did just leave. Mahatma Ghandi made that happen.

On a smaller scale, religious communities model the ideal of cooperation for the benefit of all in a very straightforward way. As one Buddhist monastic community in eastern Washington state has said, "All of us — Friends of Sravasti Abbey, benefactors, residents, and guests – are creating a network of spiritual community that is dedicated to creating peace in a chaotic world. We do this by helping each other to transform our minds into the very peace we seek."

All of us pursue that which we think will bring us happiness and avoid that which we think will bring us suffering. We just need to get better at it. Ultimately, our own thoughts and motivations determine whether we will be happy or not. We can transform our thought at a time.

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